Model Victoria Peyton shares insights on finding oneself while pursuing one's aspirations.
My name is Victoria Peyton Adcock. I was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky. I was blessed from a young age to passionately know exactly what I wanted to do with my life. The first time I was in front of a camera, this altar ego was turned on, and confidence came pouring out of my 13-year-old body. This was my moment. I spent the next decade of my life pursuing that passion.

Immediately after graduating high school, my mom and I took a trip to New York to meet with modeling agencies. Every week that I got to spend living this alternate life in the fashion industry was the best weeks of my adolescence life. I remember I was in an Uber outside the LaGuardia airport; I turned to my mom and said, "This is my dream. This is what I want to do. I can't leave."
My parents wanted me to fulfill all my dreams and aspirations. However, as any parents would be, they were more favorable of dreams that included a security blanket. At the time, I had a full-ride academic scholarship to go to the University of Alabama - which screamed security blanket.
One thing about me is I am very driven. Whenever somebody tells me I can't do both, I immediately, well, do both. Next thing I knew, I was at the University of Alabama, signed with Select Model Management, and traveling every chance I got to go to castings and photoshoots. After college, I moved to Miami to further pursue my modeling career and continue my education to one day be a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Medical Aesthetics and one day open my own Medical Spa.

I feel like everyone needs a creative outlet, whether that's painting, cooking new recipes, or hitting their favorite bars to dance like nobody's watching. My creative outlet is that moment I previously described. This sense of confidence I get in front of a camera, executing the vision of like-minded creatives. It is an inspiring, thrilling feeling that drives me and makes me pop out of bed every morning with a smile on my face.
Over the years, I've realized that growth is hindered when I let others' doubts and insecurities convince me I can't do something. You tell yourself, "Once I make this amount," or "Once I lose x amount of weight, I will feel confident enough to pursue x." But I learned to stop waiting, pull the trigger, and pursue my passion, even if it feels like a pipe dream.
You set yourself up for the greatest success when you are passionate about what you are doing. That's what I loved about this project: being surrounded by like-mind creatives. We are all pursuing purely because it's our passion. "When no one is watching" is about creating for the sake of creating. The alter ego kind of confidence comes out when you fuel your passion.
Photographer: Andrew @956px
Stylist: Jacqueline Marie @jacqueline_mariie
Hair & Makeup Artist: Jamie Alvarez @_muaddict_
Videographer: Arturito @arturitomarketing
Model: Victoria Peyton @victoriapeytonn
Brand: Backdoor Modern vintage @backdoor_modernvintage